To view planning applications, click on link(s) below and enter the reference number on the East Northants web site if you are not directed straight to the application:-
NE/24/01142/REM | Reserved matters: Access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (Re-submission of NE/24/00812/REM) pursuant to NE/23/00917/OUT - Erection of a single dwelling (All matters reserved) | 2 Lowick Lane Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EE
NE/24/01057/FUL | Repair and refurbishment of existing Kitchen Block to create a kitchen and eating area within the existing structure, including the removal of 1970's additions and reinstatement of original openings. Refurbishment of existing hard landscaping adjacent to Kitchen Block. | St Peters Cottage 57 - 61 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EL
NE/24/01030/FUL | roof mounted solar panels to garage and outbuildings. Replacement gate. | 4 Fuller Close Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3UU
NE/24/00922/LBC | Removal of the non-loadbearing timber stud and plasterboard screen to the end gable wall at ground floor level, including all fixtures and fittings and the three oak doors that form three cupboards. There are two brick piers in place behind the screen that support the hearth above at first floor level. These piers will be retained and used to form a new plastered blockwork feature chimney breast at ground floor level that will incorporate a sandstone fire surround. An allowance will be made to incorporate a wood burning stove at a later date with the flue connected to the existing flue at first floor level. New purpose-built alcove shelving will be built into the recesses to either side of the new chimneybreast. The existing laminate floor finishes will be removed and new engineered oak floorboards laid on a 5mm underlay onto the existing concrete floor slab. The existing radiators will be removed and 2 No. new Electrorad Aeroflow electric radiators installed in their place. | St Peters Cottage 57 - 61 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EL
NE/24/00919/FUL | Relocate gates, replace timber gateposts. Surface new driveway and add threshold. Return stone wall on new footings. | St Peters Cottage 57 - 61 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EL (
NE/24/00812/REM | Reserved matters: Access, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale pursuant to NE/23/00917/OUT -Erection of a single dwelling (All matters reserved) | 2 Lowick Lane Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EE
NE/24/00704/FUL | Extension to main dwelling to contain ancillary buildings and annex facilities, refurbishment of barn to the front (south) of property. | Lodge Farm Lowick Road Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EN
NE/24/00692/FUL | Demolition of existing conservatory to be replaced with an orangery along with minor internal alterations which include removal of low level beam next to kitchen, the opening between the kitchen and sunroom to be made wider and replacement of external study doors to be like for like replacement. | 93 - 95 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EP
NE/23/01054/FUL | Redevelopment of farm buildings and infill development to create nine dwellings (conversion and new build) with associated landscaping and infrastructure works | Manor Farm Buildings Main Street Aldwincle NN14 3EL
NE/23/00883/LBC | Proposed part demolition of single storey rear wing and construction of new elements to create a single storey hipped roof structure with flat roof link with wild flower roof. Replacement windows in modern cottage and to rear to match original with an enlarged window opening to form a door to the rear and minor internal changes. | St Peters Cottage 57 - 61 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EL
NE/23/00670/FUL | Demolition of an existing single storey extension, including a modern, flat roofed kitchen extension and fully glazed sunroom to the rear of an existing grade II listed dwelling, to be replaced with a new, slightly larger single storey kitchen dining room extension | 93 - 95 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EP. Also NE/23/00671/LBC (Listed building consent)
NE/23/00657/LBC Repair works to front elevation on properties 59 and 61 Main Street to include: recovering of defective Collyweston roof covering to match existing with addition of new breathable membrane; repairs to roof structure as required; replacement of non original defective rainwater goods; overhauling and repais to timber framed leaded light casement windows to the front and rear elevations; repointing of stonework on external elevations. | St Peters Cottage 57 - 61 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EL
NE/23/00676/FUL Single storey rear extension and detached annexe with storage. Demolition of existing conservatory and single storey detached garage. | 36 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EL
NE/23/00562/FUL | Demolition of existing PVCU conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension. | 53 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EL
NE/23/00588/FUL | Erection of a single one and a half storey dwelling | 2 Lowick Lane Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EE
NE/23/00021/FUL | Extension to and conversion of existing detached garage block into two storey dwelling with integral garage and porch. Addition of rooflight over first stair landing, and windows to be chartwell green colour. (Resubmission of NE/22/00088/FUL) | Willoughby House 110 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EP
NE/22/01012/FUL | Proposed Installation of New Air Source Heat Pump and Associated works. | Trinity CE School Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EL
NE/22/00698/OUT | Hybrid planning application comprising: Full planning application for the construction of a storage and distribution unit (Development Plot 1) (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices (Use Class E); creation of a principal estate road (including bus stop) and new access from the A605; construction and emergency access; highways improvements to Huntingdon Road and A605 roundabout and at Junction 13 of the A14; strategic green infrastructure; vehicular and cycle parking; pedestrian infrastructure; hardstanding; circulation areas; lighting infrastructure and all other ancillary, enabling and associated works including landscaping, drainage, earthworks, sub-station and boundary treatment. And - Outline planning application with all matters reserved for an employment park comprising Class B2, B8 and E uses with ancillary offices; creation of a new access from Oundle Road; vehicular and cycle parking; pedestrian infrastructure; hardstanding; circulation areas; lighting infrastructure and all other ancillary, enabling and associated works including landscaping, drainage, earthworks and boundary treatment. | Land Adjacent Haldens Parkway Thrapston
Sand And Gravel Quarry Land Pts OP4834 7882 And 8518 TL0178
Huntingdon Road
ThrapstonHybrid Planning Application:
Full permission sought for the demolition of all existing buildings and structures and the re-alignment of an existing farm track; site infrastructure works, including groundworks, strategic landscaping and creation of development plateaus; and construction of a storage and distribution unit (Unit 01) (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices (Use Class E), including access, parking, servicing, landscaping and associated infrastructure.
Outline permission sought for the construction of industrial distribution space (Use Class B8) with ancillary offices (Use Class E). All matters reserved except for site access.
NE/22/00538/LBC Internal alterations and changes to fenestration to existing annex to provide a wet room bathroom, utility and storage space 87 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EP
NE/22/00556/LBC Replacement of existing softwood, single glazed stormproof casement windows with hardwood, slim vacuum glazed, traditional casement windows. Replacement of one rear facing stormproof casement window with a casement style tall window. 90 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EP
NE/22/00476/FUL Conversion of existing first-floor space over the car-port to habitable space to be used as combined Storage and Office Space; addition of split safety doors to garage and 3 no. Velux windows. 4 Lowick Lane Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EE
NE/22/00189/FUL Demolition of existing link extension and construction of new glazed link extension, insertion of conservation rooflights, insertion of french doors, erect external soil and vent pipe, replace defective Dining room window. | 45 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EL
NE/22/00088/FUL Extension to and conversion of existing detached garage block into two storey dwelling with integral garage and porch,110 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering NN14 3EP
NE/21/01708/FUL Permanent siting of mobile classroom on site for use as Pre-School by children aged 2 - 4.
Location: Aldwincle Pre School Main Street Aldwincle Northamptonshire NN143EL Response by 31-12-2021
NE/21/01344/REM | Reserved matters: Site layout, scale and external appearance of the building, and landscaping pursuant to 20/00620/OUT: Infill development of single detached dwelling with access and parking (all matters reserved except Access). 8 Lowick Lane Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EE
NE/21/00963/FUL | Single storey rear extension (sun lounge) | Solomons Barn Main Street Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EL
NE/21/00592/FUL Single storey flat roof rear and side extension c/w lantern 7 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EL
NE/21/00290/FUL Change of use of the tearoom to a hair and beauty salon | 31A Main Street Aldwincle Northamptonshire NN14 3EL (Also Listed Building Consent applied for NE/21/00284/LBC)
NE/21/00318/FUL Single storey rear extension | 97 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EP
20/01014/FUL Erection of detached garage to front of dwelling,| 12 Cross Lane Aldwincle Northamptonshire NN14 3EG
20/00137/FUL: Extension to existing brick sheds to form an open, covered seating area with fireplace on existing patio area. at 116 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EP (PP-08461764)
19/01719/VAR: Variation of condition 8 to allow for variation of fascias and window design pursuant to planning permission 17/02560/FUL Two 2 storey Dwellings with access path, Access drive and six parking spaces including 2 for existing bungalow. Proposeddwellings to be sited at bottom of rear garden at 10 Cross Lane Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EG
19/01720/FUL & 19/01721/LBC :- Proposal :External alterations (as per Design and Access statement) including replacement windows, new door opening, installation of bi fold doors, remodel existing porch; Replace garage door, installation of French door balcony on first floor garage,extend existing garage windows at 51 Main Street AldwincleKettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EL (PP-08246135)
19/01593/FUL: Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement with new dwelling | Bungalow Poultry Farm Lowick Road Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EL
19/01654/FUL: Extension to and conversion of existing detached garage block into two storey dwelling with integral garage at Willoughby House 110 Main Street, Aldwincle, NN14 3EP
19/00928/FUL: Replacement of existing outbuilding with a detached oak framed garage/store with ancillary accommodation above at 113 Main Street, Aldwincle, Kettering, NN14 3EP, Responses by 2nd July.
19/00672/ FUL Single storey rear extension 113 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EP
19/00417/FUL: Change of use of existing annex to separate dwelling with repair/partial rebuild of existing garage, new rear extension and oil tank. Provision of access driveway and parking at 50 Main Street, Aldwincle Kettering, Northamptonshire NN143EL.
18/02214/FUL & 18/02214/LBC Replacement windows and doors and additional rooflights to modern extension and erection of new garden room to front. | Saddletrees 3 Fuller Close Aldwincle Northamptonshire NN14 3UU
18/01969/FUL Change of Use of existing annex to separate dwelling with demolition of existing garage, new rear extension and oil tank. New office building to garden of existing house 50 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EL (Withdrawn)
18/01818/FUL Change of use of Lyveden Manor from dwellinghouse to visitor attraction including cafe, car park and landscaping. Lyveden Manor Harley Way Oundle Peterborough Northamptonshire PE8 5AT. Responses 2nd November
18/01924/FUL Single storey rear extension . 14 Cross Lane Aldwincle Northamptonshire NN14 3EG. Responses by 2nd November
18/01688/FUL Erection of new two storey dwelling with associated landscaping at Willoughby House 110 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EP. Responses by 8th October.
18/01198 FUL and 18/01199 LBC: Single storey kitchen extension to rear, plus garden room to front and new bedroom window to side at Saddletrees, 3 Fuller Close, Aldwincle, Northamptonshire NN14 3UU (PP-07049688).Responses by 16th July (Refused)
18/00978/FUL: Erection of singles torey dining room/entrance to front of property, replacement of concreteroof tiles with slate, addition of pitched roof on storage building, additionof pitched roof on garage, raise height of limestone wall. Retrospectively:replaced windows, garage, addition of front hall and storage room at Sunnyside Cottage. 3 Baulks Lane, Aldwincle.
18/00936/FUL Conversion of outbuilding into sewing room and utility, and erection of greenhouse. at 4 Fuller Close Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3UU . Responses by 11th June 2018
18/00801/LBC Installation of two roof-lights and two sun tunnels to south elevation of dwelling: Installation of four rooflights, french doors and two new window openings to outbuilding. 4 Fuller Close Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3UU
18/00624/FUL First floor extension over existing grage and new extended roof design to create full first floor to the property at 8 Cross Lane. Responses by 24th April 2018
18/0001/CCD/FUL Trinity Church Of England Primary School, Main Street, Aldwincle, Northamptonshire, NN14 3EL. Construction of a Multi-Use Games Area. Responses by 16th February 2018.
17/02560/FUL Two 2 storey Dwellings with access path, Access drive and six parking spaces including 2 for existing bungalow. Proposed dwellings to be sited at bottom of rear garden | 10 Cross Lane Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EG. Responses by 17th January 2018
17/01266/FUL Double storey side extension over existing garage. Extended rear dormer. First floor extension to front. Box dormer to front. | 8 Cross Lane Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EG. Amended August 2017. Responses by 27th September 2017.
17/00879/FUL Pitched Roof to Replace Existing Flat Roof over Single Storey Kitchen, 30A Main Street Aldwincle Northamptonshire NN14 3EL. Responses by 25th May 2017.
17/00556/FUL 1.5 storey extension to side of existing house to form new garage withfamily room on the first floor, at Danebury Lodge 1 Fuller Close Aldwincle Kettering ,Northamptonshire NN14 3UU. Amendments, responses by 19th June 2017.
16/01710/VAR Variation of Condition 6 to allow alterations to the doors and windows pursuant to 16/00727/FUL :Conversion and extension of garage to create detached dwelling with integral double garage dated 23.05.16 | 110 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EP
16/00902/FUL Single storey rear extension linking existing property to existing outbuildings 84 Main Street Aldwincle Kettering Northamptonshire NN14 3EP
16/00727/FUL - Conversion and extension of garage to create detached dwelling with integral double garage at 110 Main Street, Aldwincle, NN14 3EP. Closing date for responses 5th May 2016
15/02037/LBC- Internal alterations to layout of kitchen and dining room, new internal doors and internal alterations to garage and adjoining outbuildings to create new access to rear garden at 93-95 Main Street.
15/01795/REM - Reserved matters: Details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to application 13/00135/OUT: Outline: Erection of 2 no two storey dwellings and detached garages with new access (all matters reserved except access) dated 28.03.2013 at 14 Lowick Lane, Aldwincle, Kettering, NN14 3EE.
Proposed Development: Classroom extension, studio extension and relocation of Kitchen Pod at Trinity Lower School Ref 15/00018/CCDFUL
Permission Granted 4th August 2015
Highways initial response Highways follow up response