

Financial Regulations (Reviewed May 22)

Annual Accounting Statement 2013/14

2014/15 Annual Accounting Statement 2014/15

Governance Statement 2014/15

Internal Audit Report 2014/15

2015/16 Annual Accounting Statement 2015/16

Governance Statement 2015/16

Internal Audit Report 2015/16   - Clerks Statement 2015/16

Accounts 2015/16 - Items of Expenditure over £100

Accounts Explanation of Significant Differences 2015/16

Accounts Summary of Electors' Rights 2015/16

Accounts Period for the exercise of Public Rights, Accounts Year Ended 31st March 16

Notice of conclusion of Audit - 31/8/2016

2016/17 Annual Accounting Statement 2016/17

Governance Statement 2016/17

Internal Audit Report 2016/17  - Clerk's Statement 2016/17

Items of Expenditure over £100

Accounts Explanation of Significant Differences 2016/17

Accounts Summary of Electors' Rights 2016/17

External Auditors Certificate 2017

Issues arising from 2017 Audit

Notice of conclusion of audit 2017

2017/18 Annual accounting statement 2017/18

Governance Statement 2017/18

Notice of Public Rights Period

Summary of Rights

Internal Auditors Report

Clerks Declaration

Bank Reconciliation

Accounts 2017-18 items over £100

Accounts 2017-18

2018/19 Annual Accounting Statement 2018/19

Annual Governance Statement 2018/19

Certificate of Exemption 2018/19

Clerk's Declaration

Notice of Public Rights

Summary of Rights

2019/20  Annual Accounting Statement

Annual Governance Statement

Internal Audit Report

Certificate of Exemption

Explanation of Variances

Bank Reconciliation

Clerks Declaration

Notice of Public Rights

2020/21 Annual Accounting Statement

Annual Governance Statement 2020/21

Accounts 2020/21

Items of Expenditure over £100

Internal Audit Return

Certificate of Exemption

Explanation of Variances

Bank Reconciliation

Clerk's Declaration

Notice of Public Rights

Summary of Rights

2021/22 Annual Accounting Statement

Annual Governance Statement 2021/22

Accounts 2021/22

Items of Expenditure over £100

Internal Audit Return

Certificate of Exemption

Explanation of Variances

Bank Reconciliation

Clerk's Declaration

Notice of Public Rights

2022/23 Annual Accounting Statement

Annual Governance Statement 2022/23

Accounts 2022/23

Clerk's Declaration

Internal Audit Report

Certificate of Exemption

Bank Reconciliation

Explanation of Variances

Notice of Public Rights

Summary of Rights


2023/24 Annual Accounting Statement

Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

Accounts 2023/24

Clerk's Declaration

Items of Expenditure over £100

Internal Audit Report

Certificate of Exemption

Bank Reconciliation

Explanation of Variances

Notice of Public Rights

Summary of Rights

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